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Writer's pictureJames Kerr

Lesson Plan MAET Lenses

Updated: Aug 11, 2018

Honors Physical Science students may decide to use this technology to collect and analyze data for a two day lab experience measuring motion in one direction at a constant velocity. To access a PDF of a lesson plan for this activity, please select the link posted below.

In this lesson, students will actively learn, acquiring and organizing data to think productively. The lesson begins with student-framed questions that will eventually lead to creative experimental design and a basic understanding of variables that define motion. Students will enter the activity with well-established ideas about motion. Building on previous knowledge, students may generate new understanding using the LabQuest 2 interface. The learning process begins with student preconceptions and leads to transfering and re-shaping of previous knowledge as the lab discovery process evolves. To accomplish this goal, students will create an experimental design using traditional tools and optional technological supports. During the lab, students will build metacognition skills, practicing sense making, self-assessment, and reflection. They will design and re-design an experiment, attempting varied trials to collect data for motion.

The integration of technology, pedagogy, and content, (TPACK), is reflected by the pedagogical choice of a lab experience and also by selection of appropriately supportive technological tools. The use of the Lino sticky notes allows students to pose questions in a creative format.

The lab group setting allows the students to experiment with the LabQuest 2 technology. Some groups will include more aggressive students who will immediately begin to play with the LabQuest 2 options. Others will seek the support of the instruction booklet. Some groups may avoid the LabQuest 2 entirely.

Students will review how to set up and label a chart and graph mechanically gathered data, using traditional tools. They may also choose to create graphs and extend their learning to include the interface between the motion detector and the LabQuest 2.

Collaboration and cooperation are built-in skills for this lab. Student choice will dictate how the students will use the tools that have been provided. The flexible instructional design will allow students to choose leaders in the group and assign tasks to members of the group. Students will decide the frame of reference for motion. They will also design the course to traverse for a student holding a white board. Multiple trials (runs) will be likely for the students that experiment with the LabQuest 2 interface.

Students must define constant motion by presenting data on a graph that includes two variables. They will decide which axis will represent each variable and consider a frame of reference as they plot data points on a graph. Students may already know how to calculate slope and may also have knowledge of a slope intercept equation. Students will explain the meaning of the sloping line on the graph in terms of constant velocity.

The flexible lesson design employs UDL strategies including: engaging student interest, providing opportunities for multiple representations, and multiple means of action and expression. Students are organized into small groups depending on shared learning strengths and abilities, diverse backgrounds, and learning preferences. The small group, whole class, and one to one questioning offer both comfortable and challenging learning settings within the lesson design. The presentation of the models affords multiple options for sharing in a whole group setting.

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