Annotative Transcript
Higher education must lead the march back to the fundamentals of human relationships, to the old discovery that is ever new,
that man does not live by bread alone.
-John A. Hanna-
Michigan State University President 1941-1969
Photo Credit: Curiosmos
Fall 2019
CEP807 Capstone In Educational Technology
Instructors: Dr. Matt Koehler, Dr. Aric Gaunt, Brooke Thomas
This class is the final course in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) sequence. For this course, I created a portfolio, a collection designed to display products representing my learning and experiences in the master's program. The portfolio will be shared with my professional colleagues and potential future employers. Creating the portfolio required a synthesis of the learning that occurred throughout the coursework sequence.
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Fall 2019
CEP813 Electronic Assessment for Teaching and Learning
Instructors: William Bork, Brett Staudt Willet
The emphasis for this class was assessment theory and methodology. I built an assessment design checklist that I can use to create and revise assessments. "Understanding by Design" by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, with other essential readings, provided the foundation for gathering and analyzing data that I will use to design and revise my formative assessments. The backwards design strategy will be essential for further development of my online assessment plans. This approach to planning will be useful to support student learning and growth. For this class, I also critiqued an online learning site and evaluated examples of classroom management systems (CMS).
Summer 2019
CEP 815 Technology and Leadership
Instructors: Missy D. Cosby, Dave Goodrich
For this hybrid summer cohort class, I created a three minute video based on a book that I read " Learning Transformed, 8 Steps to Designing Tomorrow's Schools. Today" by Eric C. Scheninger and Thomas Murray, innovators in educational leadership. I also role modeled as a mentor for a peer, practicing planning, implementing, and debriefing in context like I would encounter in my professional context. I composed several personal leadership goals for the development of pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge, and content knowledge. The diversity appreciation seminar offered valuable tools that will be helpful to me in future leadership roles.
Photo Credit: section de common law-uOttawa
Summer 2019
CEP822 Approaches to Educational Research
Instructors: Missy D. Cosby, Dave Goodrich
The emphasis of this hybrid summer cohort course was learning how to take full advantage of research resources. The book " When Can You Trust The Experts" by Daniel T. Willingham served as a foundation for reviewing valid educational research. I wrote a research review, "Engaging and Sustaining Physics Teacher Preparation Reform". To compose the review and present a public synopsis of my work, I practiced the research skills that I learned during the course. I also conducted research on cognitive development in a classroom model based in the cognitive theory promoted by Jean Piaget.
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Summer 2019
CEP 800 Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings
Instructors: Missy D. Cosby, Dave Goodrich
For this hybrid summer cohort class, I reviewed my role as professional teacher and leader with respect to how my practice is informed by behaviorist, cognitivist, constructivist and connectivist theories. I created and shared a PowerPoint presentation based on my research on these theories. I also analyzed a classroom at Michigan State University for evidence of how the space provided evidence for the support of learning theory in instruction. This cognitive research was tied to both a mentoring activity and a Piaget research plan in the summer cohort classes that were integrated with this class.
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Fall 2018
CEP818 Creativity In Teaching and Learning
Instructor: Andrea Zellner, Swati Mehta
I enjoyed this online class above all others that I took in the MAET sequence. The heart of the course was the book "Sparks of Genius. The 13 Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People" by Robert and Michelle Root-Bernstein. The topics of the book served as themes to inspire a creative outlook on teaching. Topics included: Observing and Imaging, Patterns and Analogizing, Abstracting, Embodied Thinking and Empathizing, Modeling and Dimensional Theory, Role Play, and Synthesis. This class inspired me to create a website for teachers as a resource for building creativity in a cross-curricular emphasis.
Photo Credit; Indonsesian expat
Fall 2018
CEP820 Teaching Students Online
Instructor: Dr. Ann Heintz, Haixia Liu
This online class was the most pragmatic of the ten classes that I encountered as an MAET student. I designed a blended class based on criteria that define the best practices in online course design. I reviewed examples of flipped classrooms, totally online classes, and blended classes. I reviewed multiple platforms that support online learning. Based on my survey of affordances and constraints for each platform, I chose a platform to support my blended class. I developed a chemistry unit using technology tools such as Screencastify and Camtasia that support both online and blended learning classes.
Photo Credit: The Conversation
Summer 2018
CEP812 Applying Educational Technology To Issues of Practice
Instructors: Missy D. Cosby, Kyle Shack
As one of three courses in the hybrid summer cohort at MSU, this course focused on the art of questioning and issues in teaching and technology "A More Beautiful Question" by Warren Berger served as the anchor for our study. My team of teachers selected "The Achievement Gap" for research. We created infographics, word art and a video that supported the Prezi format that we used for our public forum. We considered factors that contribute to the gap and offered potential solutions to the wicked problem.
Photo Credit: Teach Outside the Box
Summer 2018
CEP 811 Adapting Innovative Technologies to Education
Instructors: Missy D. Cosby, Kyle Shack
This class was tied together with CEP812 AND CEP810 in a campus summer cohort.
I was introduced to the maker movement. I paired with one of my peers to created an assessment that featured Ozobots. As a team, we shared our plan in advance with mentors from a separate summer cohort team. We shared our lesson with a group of students in the maker space at a local mall. In this class we also considered remixing, and repurposing of technological assets.
Photo Credit: Punya Mishra
Summer 2018
CEP 810 Teaching for Understanding with Technology
Instructors: Missy D. Cosby, Kyle Shack
This class was one of three taken during an on campus summer cohort. The theme was how people learn, featuring theories of learning and understanding. The TPACK focus explained the balance between technology, pedagogy and content in instruction and planning. For one component in the class I created a chart describing my personal learning network. I also developed an interactive 21st Century lesson plan balancing technology in assessment, and I began hosting a blog post. For my first MAET assignment, I created a video about me featuring some of the technology history and landmarks of the MSU campus. Guest speakers shared their expertise on the digital gap in education and also in reaching students with a growth mindset message.